“Meeting Amazing Grace” – NOVEL by Gary and Joy Lundberg

Wed, Feb 18, 2009


Meeting Amazing Grace is a novel based on true stories. It’s saving families! It’s filled with wisdom for all families and in-laws. “Once I started I just couldn’t stop and kept reading way into the night. It’s one of those books you want everyone in your family to read.” —Janice Kapp Perry, internationally renowned composer.

Learn more.


4 Responses to ““Meeting Amazing Grace” – NOVEL by Gary and Joy Lundberg”

  1. Melany Wilkins Says:

    Dear Gary and Joy,

    What a marvelous little book. Not only is it enjoyable reading, it is a good refresher course in basic human communication — whether the humans be in-laws or not. Although many of the stories revolve around extremely serious life issues, they are told in a way that engenders hopeful, positive emotions in the reader. Your writing will, once again, strengthen families beyond anything you can ever imagine.

    Thanks so much for this gift — along with all the other wonderful gifts you’ve given Richard and me. You are both a wonder — individually and together!



  2. Patty Foote Says:

    Gary and Joy,

    I loved your book! I want my husband and all of my kids to read it. . . both those who are married, and the ones that still have that blessing to look forward to. I also would like to give it as a wedding gift to new couples starting out– how many problems and uncomfortable situations could be avoided if we just were familiar with the tools needed to handle them.

    Thanks so much for sharing it with us. It really has started making us look at things in a different light. Patty


  3. Charles Walborn Says:

    Enjoying book very much. It is one of 4 I’m reading at same time. So full of thought provoking comments/situations, I find myself stoping to ponder and digest. Geting my wife to continue reading her copy is a challenge and she loves to, and does read a LOT.
    Most of my “inlaw” problems passed when they did. Now it’s my children and I’m the inlaw. We discovered that my wife has already done most of what you describe in book. Giving up worn-out issues is probably the most dificult. Then again letting our children learn for themselves is also a challenge. Our first 12 grandchildren came from our 6 daughters, and the next 3 from our 2 sons. So remembering to treat the children equally is a task. I mean, the ones who carry the family name are really ours. The others will carry on the names of their fathers. Our daughters even chose names for the children from their husbands family tree not their own. Come to think of it so did we. Thanks for the prompting email. C.Walborn


  4. Catherine Jensen Says:

    I loved the approach of this book Oh,I know if you have not read this book, you should…You will fall in love Grace and her teaching moments. Joy and Gary, I found my family and myself in every chapter. I could relate with each experience, and had many AH HA moments:) I have shared my copy with many at work and within my family. Thank you for taking the time to share teaching moments of others and those which were and are close to your heart. Grace, is truly “Amazing” and so are you.


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