The Drugging of Our Children

Wed, Apr 18, 2007

News, Parenting

If you have children and especially if any of your children are on some type of pharmaceutical drug for a behavior disorder, please take the time to watch this one hour and 43 minute video.
We can only make wise decisions when we are well informed.

The Drugging of Our Children (hosted at Google Video)

There is an answer to this serious problem. We have discovered a wonderful nutritional supplement that is having amazing results in helping children with ADD and ADHD, making medications no longer necessary. It is called Reliv, a powder formula you mix with water or juice and drink as a shake. If you would like more information please contact us: Gary and Joy Lundberg at
Here is one mother’s brief account of her ADD and ADHD children and the results they received from taking Reliv.
Marcia Rigner: Five of my six kids were severely A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. along with learning disabilities like auditory processing, dyslexia. I literally saw my kids go from D to A students. My son was the worst one and is now graduating from college and he is in the 90th percentile of his class. You can bet we are going to continue on Reliv.

One Response to “The Drugging of Our Children”

  1. Nick Says:

    The video you cite was produced by Gary Null, who is not a medical professional, and many of the ideas he champions are wholly incorrect. On his website, he offers a book called “AIDS: A second opinion” for download, which questions that HIV causes AIDS! His research is poorly sourced, and many of his ideas are irresponsible.

    In the video, Null confounds SSRIs and ADHD medications, and states that there is no organic basis for ADHD. This is not true. There is plenty of research in the field that point to differences not only in dopamine production, but glucose metabolism as well.

    I have no doubt that ADHD is over-diagnosed and mismedicated, but Null’s theories are simply not correct.

    You state that “We can only make wise decisions when we are well informed.” I would agree; however, misinformation like this does not lead to being well-informed.